Not to let the boys of Cahersiveen take all the limelight on RTÉ this week, Emma Longford, the niece of the much loved & missed Cahersiveen man Eamon Langford will also be on tonight's Late Late show as part of a tribute to the late great Dolores O'Riordan, on RTÉ 1 / RTÉ Player from 9.35 for the first show of the season!

Emma Langford is an award-winning nu-folk songwriter and performer; “nu” folk because where her music largely incorporates facets of the folk idiom, her songs are also clear samples of contemporary fusion with undeniable traces of jazz and pop.
A singer with a profound respect for her instrument, Langford risked losing her voice to vocal nodules at a young age and only in her early twenties, after rigorous vocal therapy and training was she in a position to begin honing her abilities. The artist completed both her BA specialising in voice and her MA in community music at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, before embarking in 2017 on a whirlwind world-tour which continued up to 2019.

Emma has worked hard for the success of her debut album and with a growing reputation as one of the best up and coming singer -songwriters on the island, she seems to be keeping up her end of the promises made in the song.” (The Thin Air)
If you are not already following Emma on her rise to stardom, here are her social media channels